We are committed to sustainable management

KNECHT works with state-of-the-art production facilities. New purchases are made under the condition of resource efficiency.

KNECHT products enjoy a reputation for long service life. We keep spare parts for at least 20 years, often significantly longer. Knecht machines can be repaired or factory overhauled for a very long time.

An example of a significant contribution to higher sustainability is our family of hand knife grinding machines E 50, E 50 R and E 50 RT: Hand knives ground with E 50 robot technology allow more precise cuts. This increases the meat yield by up to 0.5% compared to hand grinding. With 10,000 tons of meat production, this is 50,000 kg more yield. Knives sharpened with this technology also reduce the risk of accidents, and reduce losses due to inflammation in the arm and shoulder (up to 80% fewer RSI syndrome cases source: Anago Ltd.)

"The principle of sustainability has been applied in forestry since the beginning of the 18th century: Only as much of the raw material, wood, may be felled as will simultaneously grow back.

Sustainable management means: current needs are met without depriving future generations of the basis of life. It is characterised by long-term thinking and action. A consensus is reached that the term sustainability encompasses the dimensions of ecology, economy and social affairs."

(Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon)